Sunday, September 26, 2010

First Critique!!

We had our first critique this week, which is also my first critique of the new semester. Doing them in smaller groups first seemed to be a good way to really discuss and talk about what we observed and learned while doing this project. One thing that is always hard to judge is what t he teacher expects from us in each project. The cool thing is though, that there really is no one right or wrong way to do the project. There was a large variety of ways students attacked the project and Amy pointed out different strong points in each of them. Hopefully I will develop a better feel for what she is looking for.
I do not really know what is in store next for LD2, but in other art related what-nots, I am learning to solder in metals \m/ class. It is not easy, ut I am getting the hang of it. It will be interesting to see what skills I develop through that class, as it is all new to me. Tuesday we make jewelry from found objects. He calls it the One Day Wonder. I wonder why.
In other news; my amp is broke, my Ibanez is restrung, and I acquired a mini-fridge.

Pictures of the Skull project coming soon (hopefully tomorrow).

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the small group benefits. It allowed us to get more one-on-one feedback from our peers, as well as a student who already has a solid understanding of artistic anatomy. I believe that this is quite helpful to pick out which areas of our work need the most refinement. The class critique that followed built on that, allowing us to observe successful drawings in order to get a sense of direction.

    I've had art metals. Soldering is pretty badass. And so is Tim.
